Thursday, January 19, 2006

Three weeks of gluten-free hell - Day 11

"They say two brains are better than one. In your case, one would have been better than none..."

Hmm... this one's not that original, but it has wide application....

So I gotta say, I was somewhat skeptical about the benefits of this gluten-free deal, but I'm beginning to find that I'm sleeping less and have less trouble getting up in the morning. Don't get me wrong, I still blitz myself with my anti-SAD lamp, but it's not as painful.... and I'm not finding I need coffee in the afternoon at all. But it's a little early to say, I think, and there's always the placebo effect to consider, although I doubt that's an issue, as I'm a real cynic about these things, so I'm not actually expecting to feel any difference. Still...

More fruit for breakfast. I'm so annoyed about those unripe apricots that I had to buy some more elsewhere before lunch. Peru must be getting good business from me... then for some very expensive and equally disappointing sushi. Really, lukewarm sushi is the worst thing... won't be going there again. Dinner was a great improvement - stir-fried turkey with chestnut mushrooms, celery and pak choy with rice.

So it was all going well until I remembered......
I have some Spekulatius that I bought in Freiburg a couple of months ago.... just to think of that crisp, cinnamon crunch.... but darn it, I can't have any......

Stupid gluten-free diet... plus, a friend of mine asked me if I'd lost weight! Now, nobody has EVER asked me if I've lost weight. In fact, for the past 10 years I've been trying to put on weight....... I think I need more gluten-free calories.


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