Friday, December 21, 2007

Season's apologies....

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Dear All,
I can only apologize for my lack of organization, and the fact that I nowadays spend more time in meetings than I care to think about, and hope that you'll forgive me for not getting around to sending you individual Christmas cards. In my defence, the goodwill was there, but time forsook me.
Grovelling aside, I wish you all a nice break from the shameless, mass consumerism (what's the point? The sales are just a few days away....), being trampled over by demented shoppers, run over by crazed mothers and their Bugaboos and general feeling of mania. I hope y'all managed to get that Nintendo Wii for your dearly beloved and that you'll have endless hours of fun playing Guitar Heroes. And finally, all the best for a happy and prosperous 2008.
In the meantime, here's the latest from my kitchen...... still waitin' on those recipes y'all....

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