Thursday, August 24, 2006

wannabe a wannabe rockstar wannabe

So it happened that I was browsing YouTube trying to educate myself on the concept of Mentos and Coke rockets (really, some people have too much time on their hands, which probably also says something about those of us who go watch them on YouTube). Anyway, it was here that I learned about the Terra Naomi phenomenon, self-proclaimed, self-promoting singer-songwriter wannabe rockstar from LA. It seems her virtual summer tour, filmed from her studio (apartment) in Hollywood, has been a cult-ish success, so much so that it has spawned a whole host of Terra Naomi wannabes on YouTube. It's really quite scary.

It's a fascinating phenomenon, though I suspect that it wouldn't be so easy for a nuclear physicist to promote themselves on YouTube in aspiration of that elusive Nobel Prize. Her songs are actually not bad, if a little sentimental, but The Vicodin Song is quite cool, and I feel we should support such entrepreneurship. Incidentally, if anyone's in London this weekend, it seems she's doing a set at The Troubadour on Old Brompton Road. I, however, will be in the Alps.

So there. Terra Naomi. Get the CD. Buy the T-shirt.


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