Sunday, April 30, 2006

Viva la revolución!

Fellow workers in the Global Struggle,

Be comforted, for a dinner was held in your honour this May 1st weekend, to remember your plight and call for social reform! This was a celebration of culinary peasantry throughout the globe. Not a single stack in sight. The menu was gourmet peasant, to cater for the needs of the modern revolutionary. For various reasons, the menu, which was to include spring onion pancakes (Chinese peasantry) and humitas (Pampas socialism), underwent some last minute changes. For one, that evil oppressor (Sainsbury's) refuses to sell husked corn; I imagine they think those darned capitalists have no time for such plebeian tasks as removing the husk off their corn (what, you can afford to ship the darn thing all the way from the US, but you can't leave even half a husk on??).

Instead, on the menu were Guatemalan coffee, roasted corn kernels, pam amb tomaquet (Catalan socialism), platanos con queso (Colombian revolution, albeit with Canadian cheddar, but never mind, eh?), moros y cristianos (Fidel's recipe), coconut curry with okra, long beans and butternut squash (broadly representing socialism spanning Kerala and eastwards), stir-fried asparagus with roasted tomato (budget socialism - hey, they were a pound for two bunches!) and chilli chocolate soufflé (ermm... French socialism with a Zapatista twist...?).

Roasted corn kernels

The revolutionary loaf

Platano con queso

Social reform on banana leaf

Budget socialism

Chilli chocolate soufflé (oh, what drama!)

Rage Against the Machine was listened to and due contemplation was given to the speeches of Fidel and the writings of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. There was much ranting about fair-trade coffee, evil corporations, the medicalization of society, telemarketing, the dire state of customer services, banks, scientific imperialism, bike theft, North London's snails. Anything else I've left out?

Viva la Revolución playlist:

1. Queremos Paz - Gotan Project

2. Calm Like A Bomb - Rage Against The Machine

3. Haiti - The Arcade Fire

4. Cochise - Audioslave

5. Buffalo Soldier - Bob Marley & The Wailers

6. Mystery of Iniquity - Lauryn Hill

7. Zombie - The Cranberries

8. Bullet In The Head - Rage Against The Machine

9. El Capitalismo Foraneo - Gotan Project

10. Mr Intentional - Lauryn Hill

11. Fight The Power - Public Enemy

12. Combat Baby - Metric

13. Battle Without Honor Or Humanity - Tomoyasu Hotei

14. Power To The People - Public Enemy

15. Ready Or Not - The Fugees

16. I Shot The Sheriff - Bob Marley & The Wailers

17. Take The Power Back - Rage Against The Machine

18. Rebel - Lauryn Hill

19. Rebellion - The Arcade Fire

20. Beautiful Struggle - Talib Kweli

21. Guerrilla Radio (Live) - Rage Against The Machine

22. Exodus - Bob Marley & The Wailers

23. Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes

24. Freedom Time - Lauryn Hill

25. Bells Of War - Wu-Tang Clan

26. Wake Up - Rage Against The Machine

27. Melting Pot - The Roots



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